Knowledge is Power

Understand ecosystems, map capabilities, benchmark competitiveness and discover opportunities with our ground breaking AI tool.

Get customised and actionable insights in hand, fast.
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We collect data no one else can

Quickly get the data you need
in the form you need it
from the sources you trust.

Map capabilities, align them to needs and identify gaps

Map your competitive landscape

Measure impact and use evidence to inform policy

Inform policy

Make targeted impact

Make meaningful cross-sector impact in the places you want.

Track impact
Map industry players
Avoid duplication

The visible portion of the flow was only a sliver, a fragment distilled and sent back to this nexus by her electronic servants - her ferrets and foxes, her badgers and hounds - data-retrieval programs euphemistically named after bests, some now extinct but known in earlier times for their tenacity, hunger and unwillingness to take "no" for an answer. All over the world, Daisy's electronic emissaries searched and probed at her bidding, prying loose secrets, correlating, combining, devouring
A few words to her autosecretary would send a ferret program forth to fetch the truth in milliseconds.

Earth, David Brin, 1990

Map capability

Map capabilities, alignment and gaps

Know what your entire enterprise can (and should) offer external partners in a matter of days.

Highlighting your competitive strengths, find opportunities and identify gaps to fill.

We reverse-engineer your custom capability portfolio
We find customers, grants or you define priorities
We map alignment of capabilities to these opportunities and identify gaps
Competitive Landscape

Know who's who

Unsatisfied with one-size-fits-all company tracking? gives you the data you've been asking for. lets you define:
What exactly makes someone a competitor?
What do you need to know about them? 
Then it populates this data from the trusted sources you select.

Improve tender ROI

Auto-assess tenders and optimally triage them with systematic knowledge of your capabilities

Tenders can be auto-assessed based on:
Your strategic priorities,
Alignment to your real-time capability
map and your custom measures. difference

Fast and customised

We can deliver data and visualisations in three weeks.

We deploy a network of AI agents to generate your dataset systematically and to your custom needs.

- Data and visualisations in days, not months
Customised - We find what you wish you knew
with existing partners
Flexible - Plug in internal sources, or we can use public sources to get started immediately
Real-time - Stop re-scanning every few years, instead always have data at your fingertips
Actionable - Plug into your systems, inform strategies and trigger workflows


Contact Us

We can deliver insights in less than three weeks.
Reach out and tell us what you wish you knew.

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