Uncover opportunities in complex ecosystems

Map capabilities, discover opportunities and understand gaps with our ground breaking AI tool.

Get customised and actionable insights in hand, fast.
Talk to Us
Map capability

Understand your capability portfolio

Know what your entire enterprise can (and should) offer external partners in a matter of days.

We reverse-engineer your innovation portfolio, compare it to others, highlighting your competitive strengths.

We work with you to define what you wish you knew about your capabilities
We extract capabilities from internal and/or external (public) sources
We keep it up-to-date and you curate it with your knowledge
Discover opportunities

Find the “low hanging fruit” opportunities

Always be aware of how you align to industry trends, sector priorities and specific partner needs.

We can measure:
Strengths and willingness of each capability to engage
Industry demand and gaps
benefit 3

Find specific opportunities with specific partners

Reverse-engineering a specific partner’s problem set and match to your capabilities

Expand your opportunities with existing partners, 

Approach new existing partners. 

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Improve tender ROI

Auto-assess tenders and optimally triage them with systematic knowledge of your capabilities

Tenders can be auto-assessed based on:
Your strategic priorities,
Alignment to your real-time capability
map and your custom measures.

Horiz.in difference

Fast and customised

We can deliver data and visualisations in three weeks.

We deploy a network of AI agents to generate your dataset systematically and to your custom needs.

- Data and visualisations in days, not months
Customised - We find what you wish you knew
with existing partners
Flexible - Plug in internal sources, or we can use public sources to get started immediately
Real-time - Stop re-scanning every few years, instead always have data at your fingertips
Actionable - Plug into your systems, inform strategies and trigger workflows


Contact Us

We can deliver data in less than three weeks. Reach out for a demonstration.